Archive for November, 2007


Because “Over White Wine” was half film and half live, Verderber thought it wise to film the “live” portion and re-edit the piece as one film, instead of having (what amounts to) wasted footage (ie, the filmed stuff of the live performance).  So on December 2nd, filming is scheduled for the remainder the show. 

“Over White Wine” stars James Taylor Maupin IV, Malorie Garza and David Gutierrez. The final cut will be premiered alongside some of the other recent Zero Untitled films (Verderber’s “Slipping” music vid, DJ Oringe music vid “In Regards” and possible “Mimeumentary”).

We’ll keep you posted.


I apologize for the lack of action in the realm of Zero Untitled, but we’ve had some MAJOR changes come about recently.  Both Gabe and Verderber have since moved so that has been hectic.  Add in the fact that they need to adjust to their “newness” Zero Untitled has gotten a bit idle. However, this weekend we got a filming coming up!

Other excuses for Zero Untitled’s absence:

1. Folks moving

2. The Website crashed.

3. Verderber thought he saw a pink elephant.

4. Gabe thought he saw a pink rhinoceros.

But seriously, we’re back! 

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.