“Over White Wine” editing
- November 16th, 2008
- By Verderber
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What’s that you say? “Over White Wine” is getting done after all? Yup, you read correctly. “Over White Wine” went on hiatus after a slew of editing problems and was, basically, left to die. (Sure that’s overdramatic, but you get my point). Our senior editor on the project, Megan Saenz, had this to say:
“Over White Wine is winding down near its end with only a few more adjustments to be made. The editing process has been without a doubt an interestingly superb challenge. Shots are composed in an artistically fluid manner with exceptional lighting in many of the scenes. An ongoing slightly problematic factor is the overpowering echoes during dialogue in the restaurant scenes due to the absence of a noise reduction mic filming took place. Although this small factor almost seemed impossible to edit with, with one actor’s line echoing into another actor’s line, precise editing allowed the echoes to add a sort of timeless feel to the restaurant scenes. Other small challenges included freeing up the hard drive space so that the video would not lag and slow the editing process. Heraclio Gonzalez jr. previously edited some scenes so a small amount of time has gone into recovering the video files already edited. Overall, the editing process for Over White Wine is flowing far more smoothly than expected thanks in large part to the organization and patience of its director/producer/writer Michael Verderber.” – M. Saenz
Expect to see Over White Wine‘s world premiere as part of Zero Untitled’s short film festival coming in early 2009 (probably January).