The latest production, Remnant Memories: “Broken Wheels” & “Shattered”, finished its run. After two nights, Zero Untitled gained a new actor, along with the experience of producing student written, adapted, and directed shows. Zero Untitled’s main focus is to give students and performers a chance to have their work and their voice heard, and with these two shows, we gained a new director (Orozc0), two new dramatic actors (Cavazos and Frimpong), and a reappearance of long-time Zero Untitled affiliate (White).

Zero Untitled’s next productions this month:

     “Fate of Eights: Firebreathing Showcase”  Thursday the 29th at 9pm on University Blvd.

     Textual Overture (second show) Saturday March 31 at 3 pm at Blue Ribbon Cafe in Kingsville, TX.  

The next play, Acoustical, has begun rehearsals.