Ava and Katy singing for "Coffee Shop Girl: The Musical".

Ava and Katy singing for “Coffee Shop Girl: The Musical”.

Allan Guzman came in to work on some lead solos for a metal song.

Allan Guzman came in to work on some lead solos for a metal song.

David and Zeta working on "Coffee Shop Girl"

David and Zeta working on “Coffee Shop Girl”

So, Zero Untitled has dedicated all of March to “March Music Month” to allow our talent individuals to work on all of those music projects we just don’t have time for. So, now, there is no excuse! Robert and Andrea are working on piano music, Michael is working on some score and a metal song, Zeta and Julio are working on some hip hop tracks, a new musical is in development, and long-time collaborator, DJ Oringe, is developing some new music as well. Plenty is going on so here are some pics from last night’s rehearsal.

Here are some pics of just a few of the works in development.

Cover art for DJ Oringe's "Pummel"

Cover art for DJ Oringe’s “Pummel”

UPDATE: Here is the newly released song “Pummel” by DJ Oringe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2dR1oRItfo