"Sonic Sway Easter Show" Trujillo & Oringe

“Sonic Sway Easter Show” Trujillo & Oringe

"Sonic Sway Easter Show" Trujillo & Oringe

“Sonic Sway Easter Show” Trujillo & Oringe

The gang that leads the “Sonic Sway” project recently performed another live and improvised show on April 4, 2021 at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Performing with keyboards, synth, drum machine, and guitar were James Trujillo Music, Mack Attack, and DJ Oringe. They played two sets, each with 3 improvised songs that were ten minutes each. The shows are viewable on Zero Untitled’s and Michael Verderber’s Facebooks as well as James Trujillo Music’s YouTube page.

Dressed as rabbits for Easter. (l-r): Mack, Oringe, and Trujillo.

Dressed as rabbits for Easter. (l-r): Oringe, Mack, and Trujillo.

Dressed as rabbits for Easter. (l-r): Mack, Oringe, and Trujillo.

Dressed as rabbits for Easter. (l-r): Mack, Oringe, and Trujillo.