Backroom Karaoke promo

Sorry for the delay in content here on the main page. We have had a TON of shows in June and more coming in July. Let’s review some of the happenings thus far:

– Back on June 10th, we had our first ever “Backroom Karaoke” show featuring the voices of Andrea Lorin and Katherine Orozco-Verderber. They sang 90s and 2000s pop hits live on Facebook Live (a medium we hadn’t tried yet).
– Yesterday, June 16th, we celebrated Premature Punchline’s 10 year BIRTHDAY by doing a mini-show for a small crowd on Zoom. We performed a brand new game called “Art Show” in which PPers must quickly draw fantastic art pieces while the audience votes on the winners.

– Episodes of “Sonic Sway” will be released on YouTube. These five episodes will break up the show into the five different improvised techno songs. The first is viewable here:

– “Groucho Max” is going on a seasonal hiatus until more episodes become developed. All previous episodes are still viewable on Youtube.

– Also, this site has been fickle so we are strongly considering being rid of zerountitled(dot)com and jump onto another website. So this may be one of the final posts until we push for the new website (where ever that may be at)

So, perhaps you will see more posts here or we may just stick with our social media outlets to get the word out about our shows.

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