The season for the 2024 Dark Tour is finally upon us! The script is done, the actors have been cast, and now we await the audience to crawl into the gaping maw of “Hellmouth” – the 14th Dark Tour!

This year’s immersive and hellish show will be staged at the Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures in October. At press, flyers and promotion are being developed so keep checking back here!

THOMPSON – Bailey Goodrich
LILLITH – Katherine Orozco-Verderber
STACY – Jo De Leon
BLAIR – Sally Guzman
DESMOND – Julio Martinez
JESS – Aubrey Gracia
DEV – Daniel Rodriguez
RILEY – Fabiola Joanis
HARLAN – Diego Trevino
BEATRIX – Emilia Gomez

(Extras / Gophers) – Olivia Maldonado, Nicole Ramos