Archive for the ‘Films’ Category

2014 Year In Review

ZU Xmas partry

Zero Untitled’s 2014 was full of firsts and visits from the recent past. From travelling to St. Louis to performing at the largest Shakespeare festival in the country to reopening the Wonderland Ward, Zero Untitled had a busy year:


January to February – The beginning of the year was the season of Premature Punchline, with performances ranging from Kingsville to Corpus Christi. February brought the annual gaming and otaku convention GATO-Con, where Premature Punchline fills the house. February also introduced the first Textual Overture of 2014, including Zero Untitled’s first ever jazz musician.


March to April – Premature Punchline was still going strong in March, performing multiple times at the comedy club Chuckles in downtown Corpus Christi. Zero Untitled’s fifth Dark Tour, “The Factory,” sent sickeningly sweet shivers down the spines of many while certain members of Zero were preparing feverishly for the performance of “The Rape of Lucrece” in April at Shake38, the largest Shakespeare festival in the United States. But before the crew could race off to Missouri, Textual Overture had one more performance.


May to June – May was the month of the Happenings, where Creative Director Michael Verderber introduced a class to teach the members of Zero Untitled exactly what a Happening was and how to perform one. After planning the rest of the 2014 year, Zero Untitled embarked on the journey of the Happening, beginning first with an online show where the virtual audience called the shots, called “Mindless Men,” and wrapping up June with another Textual Overture performance.

The Mindless Men at Tango


July to August – July was the season of Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Project, and “Catchweight” was born, production lasting into the middle of the month while “Dual Sex,” another Happening about rape culture, was performed twice. August brought two Los Angeles premieres of Zero Untitled shows, “From Inside,” and “GPS: Gender’s Problematic Situation.” Zero also went behind the camera for poetry videos, where “Café Triste,”  and “Mal de Ojo” were born. At the tail end of the month, “’Twas the Flop Before Christmas” (staged a few years ago) was published.


September to October – September brought a short film festival, where short films such as “Mal de Ojo,” “Café Triste,” and “Catchweight” premiered. In October, Zero Untitled produced its New Foundations Theatre Festival, a collection of one act plays that centered almost exclusively around new actors to the company. “Consequences,” previously performed at Textual Overture, was published online on Dialogual’s website, and another Textual Overture was performed.

the guys backstage


November to December – November brought back that which was only temporarily gone: Wonderland Ward. First, “The Secrets of Wonderland Ward” reminded audiences exactly what the previous Wonderland shows brought: madness and bedlam, and the whole Dark Tour, “The Wonderland Massacre” premiered only shortly after that. December introduced a first for Textual Overture: the first holiday-themed performance. “Unconditional” and “Ghosts,” two previous Textual Overture pieces, were published and Zero wrapped the year with Octavio Quintanilla’s third poetry video, “Messages” going into production. See that video below in the previous post.

(Photos: TOP, ZU Christmas Party; MID, “The Mindless Men” performance in Corpus Christi; Bottom, back stage antics during the New Foundations Festival)  

Third poetry video sends a “Message”

Message - Behind the Scenes

The third in the series of poetry videos for San Antonio poet Octavio Quintanilla, “Message” premiered live online just a few days ago.  The video is officially viewable now.  Just go to this page and follow the instructions:

Message (2015)


The video is the first Zero Untitled production of 2015. More information is on the official page (also click on the link).

October in Review

"Wolfe of the West" - Drea Martinez and Dylan Mendoza OCTOBER IN REVIEW

We have several highlights from this past month!

Missed our New Foundations Theatre Festival? Check out our show page for photos and behind-the-scenes fun!  (Pictured: A. Martinez, D. Mendoza in CJ Lillie’s play “Wolfe of the West”.) 

View the show page:


Two recent productions published:


“Consequences” – play performed at Textual Overture (2013) was published by Dialogual Magazine on October 16:!Consequences/c599/55353555-523D-4960-8B55-7F1E8C403C8F

(pictured: R. Ferguson and S. Benedit in the 2012 World Premiere of “Consequences”.)

“Unconditional” – performance poem performed at Textual Overture (2013) will be published by Harbinger Asylum / Transcendent Press soon.

In other news, our next Dark Tour, “The Wonderland Massacre” has already begun rehearsals and we have released two teaser behind-the-scenes pics.  Check out our trailer, which will be posted soon.  In the meantime, here is one of the images below. (Pictured: H. Gonzalez, Jr and D. Gerd).

Herc & Debs camera


Our music and poetry event, Textual Overture, had a great 3-hour long performance last Tuesday (Oct 28).  There were several new musicians, poetry by local writers, poems by Brooke Lovestone, and play performances with scripts by Barry Berryhill and Michael Verderber. (Pictured below: The Felix Jazz Trio).

Felix Trio

Audition Notice!


Audition flyer: rehearsal shots

Audition flyer: rehearsal shots

This October, Zero Untitled will be presenting multiple one act plays, and we need casts to fill them! Anyone is welcome to audition, whether you have tons of experience or none at all. Come by Fore Hall, Room 102 on September 3rd at 7:00 to visit with us and we’ll see where you fit best.

Plays being produced will be from almost any genre, such as comedy, drama, dramedy, western, suspense, etc.

Let us know what you want/like to do.

Additionally, information on our upcoming “The Wonderland Massacre” production and other film and mime projects will be discussed as well.

Summer Update: Films, films, and more films

Michael Verderber and Katherine Orozco go over blocking for "Mal de Ojo."To say that Zero Untitled has been busy with film projects is an understatement.  We just premiered our video for Octavio Quintanilla’s poem “Café Triste” on August 8 at a private screening/poetry reading event.

The film is now viewable on YouTube.

Our recent Happening production “Dual Sex” can be seen on YouTube.  More information on “Dual Sex” can be found on its page.

The next film that will be premiering is our Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Project entry “Catchweight” on August 23, 2014 at the Harbor Playhouse. “Catchweight” is our collaboration with another production company, Writers Unblocked.  The film is directed by Ismael Prado and written by Caleb Bonitz.

In the meantime, we have been filming footage for another Quintanilla poem, called “Mal de Ojo” which will premiered at a later date. In addition to that, we put together another short in our “Ultra Short” film series called “That One Friend” but the release date is still pending.

Pics and footage will be posted soon.


Busy summer ahead

Just to catch everyone up: we have had a few meetings here and there to discuss our happenings for the summer and, as it turns out, we will begin with a Happening series!

What’s a Happening? It is an avant-garde theatrical performance / performance art medium that has a high level of improvisation (but not comedic). The idea is that the show will be performed differently every night.  We have our series already up and starting rehearsals soon.

Additionally, Premature Punchline will have some appearances in the Corpus comedy scene as well, so be on the lookout for that. In addition, we will be entering the Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Festival again, starting in July.

Also, our season is just about solidified so be on the lookout for that post.  Next up on the ZU calendar will be a Happening and a Textual Overture.


“Eighty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Seconds” Now Online

What do you do with your final twenty-four hours of life? One young man figures it out with the help of his friends in our short film, Eighty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Seconds, which is now viewable on YouTube and here at Zero Untitled!

An eight-minute version of the film was originally created as part of the Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Project, where it received nominations for Best Supporting Actor (Aaron Salinas), Best Supporting Actress (Megan Saenz), Best Ensemble Cast, First-Time Filmmaker, and won the award for Best Original Song (Caleb Bonitz).

Catch the movie on YouTube, or after the break by clicking “Read More.”

Read more

This Week At ZU…

Plenty in store: First up is Textual Overture on Thursday night at the Kingsville Visitors Center on Corral Street.  For those unfamiliar, Textual Overture is an open-mic variety show of poetry, plays, live music, and other oddities.  This event FREE to the public.  The show begins at 7:00 on the 19th, so bring your work or instruments!

Keeping with the messy “ransom note” theme of previous Textual Overture flyers, here is the latest flyer:

TO pic

And also: For those who could not make it to Corpus Christi for the CC 7-Day Film Festival screening of “Eighty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Seconds“, you will get a chance to see the screening of the multi-nominated and award-winning film, now is your chance.  On Friday, September 20th at 8:00pm, the film will be screened at the Blue Room in Fore Hall along with a “Live Commentary” with the cast and crew.  Click “Read More” to see the latest trailer after the break.  Read more

“Eighty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Seconds” rakes in nominations and a win

86400 sec cast

Zero Untitled had a successful run at the Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Festival at the Harbor Playhouse on Saturday, September 31.  At the award ceremony held at the House of Rock a few hours after the close of the screenings, ZU brought in several nominations and a win at the festival:

Caleb Bonitz – Best Original Song (WINNER)

Megan Saenz – Best Supporting Actress (nominee)

Aaron Salinas – Best Supporting Actor (nominee)

Heraclio Gonzalez, Jr – Best First-Time Leader Award (nominee)

Full Cast – Best Ensemble (nominee)


The Kingsville premiere of the extended version will be held soon, but for now you can watch the trailer on YouTube and hear an excerpt from the award-winning song. Read more to see the video right here!

Read more

A whole lot in a little bit of time

In true Zero Untitled fashion, we have a handful of productions all coming up in a short amount of time.  Here is a quick run-down:

fishnado flyer

August 29 – Premature Punchline’s “Fishnado!”, Blue Room, 8:00

August 31 – Film premiere of “Eighty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Seconds” at CC7D, Harbor Playhouse, 4:00

September 6-7 – Don Nigro’s “Glamorgan”, Blue Room, 8:00


Glamorgan darker image












In addition to the above, be on the lookout for a promotional mime trailer for our in-house mime troupe, Forward MIMEntum, produced by Kingsville Now.  Also, the film “Eighty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Seconds” will have a trailer out very soon as well.  Likewise, the other mainstage production, “The Merchant of Venice” is in the rough-cut phase of editing and should be out in the next month or so.

For more information, visit the individual pages: 


“Glamorgan” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.