Archive for the ‘Premature Punchline Comedy’ Category

Extra Credit Comedy

Here are some pics from the latest Premature Punchline improv comedy show! We put together a college-themed show as part of an extra credit assignment at the university. Performing in the shenanigans were: Diego, Daniel, Cricket, Michael, Ray, Aubrey, Steph, Julio, and of course, the professor herself – Mrs. Katherine Orozco-Verderber.

Another PrePunch Secret Show?!

Looks like we have another secret show coming up! Not so secretive if the info is on the flyer… BUT WAIT, you need to say the password to get into the event! A bonus Lambe-Lambe performance called “Shower Sharon” will be part of the pre-show activities! Message our us or our social media to get the password. And tell your friends!

2025 Season Announcement

We give you a brief glimpse into our 2025 season! The image outlines an overview of the scheduled shows we have on tap throughout the year. This does not include our sporadic shorts, Tik Toks, memes, another quirky mini-projects that pop up throughout the year. So keep an eye out!

Happy Birthday to US!

Zero Untitled celebrates our 21st birthday today!

We have produced and performed films, plays, immersive theatre, children’s theatre, adaptations, performance art, music performances, experimental theatre, fire breathing showcases, puppetry, mime shows, improv comedy, improv drama, clowning, and more!

We have staged shows or filmed in the following countries: England, South Korea, Honduras, Mexico, Greece, Italy, and most recently, Ireland!

Our plays, novels, poetry, and experimental pieces have been published worldwide.

See you on the stage!

Wine-y PrePunch Show

Premature Punchline’s three hour long epic of a show at The Novel Blend Bookstore during the city Wine Walk event was a sip of success! The show was performed on Saturday, February 25, from 6:00 until the event ended at 9:00. Featured comedians and comediennes were veterans Daniel Rodriguez, Michael Verderber, Katherine Orozco-Verderber, and Diego Trevino; and introducing newbies Sally Guzman, Heather Martinez, Ray Martinez, and Bailey Goodrich.

New YouTube releases!

Apologies for the delay in updating the main site here; we are considering closing this page down as it is more efficient to update our stuff via our social media.

From Down Chamber video "Eyes In The Trees"

Nevertheless, here are the slew if things that HAVE occurred lately!

1. “Church of Winter” audio play featuring a cast split between Italy and the US. Not the same as the live cast, so do watch it here:

2. Another music video for Down Chamber for his track “Eyes In The Trees”. It follows the Dark Tour horror formula we have mastered in our stage productions. Enter if you dare…

3. DIGITAL TEXTUAL OVERTURE! As promised, our coffee shop variety show was published today, September 18, amd features a slew of familiar faces! Watch it now:

Cool Summer

Backroom Karaoke promo

Sorry for the delay in content here on the main page. We have had a TON of shows in June and more coming in July. Let’s review some of the happenings thus far:

– Back on June 10th, we had our first ever “Backroom Karaoke” show featuring the voices of Andrea Lorin and Katherine Orozco-Verderber. They sang 90s and 2000s pop hits live on Facebook Live (a medium we hadn’t tried yet).
– Yesterday, June 16th, we celebrated Premature Punchline’s 10 year BIRTHDAY by doing a mini-show for a small crowd on Zoom. We performed a brand new game called “Art Show” in which PPers must quickly draw fantastic art pieces while the audience votes on the winners.

– Episodes of “Sonic Sway” will be released on YouTube. These five episodes will break up the show into the five different improvised techno songs. The first is viewable here:

– “Groucho Max” is going on a seasonal hiatus until more episodes become developed. All previous episodes are still viewable on Youtube.

– Also, this site has been fickle so we are strongly considering being rid of zerountitled(dot)com and jump onto another website. So this may be one of the final posts until we push for the new website (where ever that may be at)

So, perhaps you will see more posts here or we may just stick with our social media outlets to get the word out about our shows.

Screenshot (43)

Press Conferencin’ PrePunchers Perform

R. Trujillo as The Press and M. Allen as The Guilty

R. Trujillo as The Press and M. Allen as The Guilty

The trouble makers at Premature Punchline have CLEARLY gotten themselves into some trouble and will be forced to perform in an upcoming Zoom production of PRESS CONFERENCE to try to clear their name! Their crime…? Well, that is up to YOU (the audience) to tell US what they did! The Zoom room will open at 7:30 on Friday, February the 26th. This will be a FREE performance and accessed here:

Premature Punchline’s FREE Show!
Time: Feb 26, 2021 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 736 2095 2800
Passcode: 7YAPDb


The encore will be a couple of rounds of the new game CHOP SHOP. Two games for the price of NONE.

Chop Shop!

The purple-clad punks of Premature Punchline put poogether (too many Ps?), put TOGETHER a new video featuring their new game, Chop Shop. Catch episode #4 here:


Actors and Directors wanted!

"Remnants of Neverland" cast getting ready

“Remains of Neverland” cast getting ready

We have some Zoom-style plays coming up and we need ACTORS and DIRECTORS! If you are interested in getting involved (and are not already a member of our Active group), then LIKE or COMMENT your interest on our Facebook or email us here:  and let us know what you’re interested in! We need a headcount. Yes, you can live on the other side of the world and STILL be involved. You just need decent internet.

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.