Archive for the ‘Staged Productions’ Category

Find upcoming ZU puppet productions now!

You can now find Zero Untitled’s live puppet performances listed on the website (part of The Jim Henson Foundation)! You will find us alongside other fantastic puppet performances nationwide! Click the link to find the show listings for “Shower Sharon”, “Baby Dormouse Vs Quizzical Crocodile”, and “Ba Pot-Bellied Pigs”! The listing for “The Prince’s Charming Sssnake Sssamuel” should be posted soon as well, but is currently not.
National – The Jim Henson Foundation

Five shows over two days!

Arguably one of ZU’s busiest weekends EVER is upon us! On March 14th, we will premiere Gabriel Ruiz’s new four-person drama “Performance Evaluation” as a works-in-progress. Performance location will be announced soon. Email for free tickets to this special event.

On March 15th at the Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures and Education Center, starting at noon, ZU will have 4 other productions happening starting at noon: the world premiere of the puppet performance “The Prince’s Charming Snake”, two kamishibai (“Ba Pot Bellied Pigs” & “Baby Dormouse Vs Quizzical Crocodile”), and the Brazilian style of adults-only puppetry called “Lambe-Lambe” in a show called “Shower Sharon”. The latter is PG-13 for language and will be performed for adults only.

“Will Seniority Be Enough To Save You?”

A brand new work-in-progress play “Performance Evaluation” by ZU co-founder Gabriel Ruiz will have a performance coming up on March 14, 2023. Free tickets are available for this event (as it is a work-in-progress), so please email us at for ticket information.

Extra Credit Comedy

Here are some pics from the latest Premature Punchline improv comedy show! We put together a college-themed show as part of an extra credit assignment at the university. Performing in the shenanigans were: Diego, Daniel, Cricket, Michael, Ray, Aubrey, Steph, Julio, and of course, the professor herself – Mrs. Katherine Orozco-Verderber.

Another PrePunch Secret Show?!

Looks like we have another secret show coming up! Not so secretive if the info is on the flyer… BUT WAIT, you need to say the password to get into the event! A bonus Lambe-Lambe performance called “Shower Sharon” will be part of the pre-show activities! Message our us or our social media to get the password. And tell your friends!

World Premiere Kamishibai Today!

Today is the World Premiere of our brand new kamishibai show “Baby Dormouse Vs Quizzical Crocodile”, loosely based on the work of our Baby Dormouse puppet series on Tik Tok. The play will be performed multiple times at the Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures’s “2025 Lunar New Year – Year of the Snake” festivities in Corpus Christi, alongside performances of “Ba Pot-Bellied Pigs”.

Written and performed by Michael Verderber, the kamishibai explores a dormouse on a journey who must get the audience’s help to stump the Quizzical Crocodile, who is armed with lots of questions in math, English, and social studies. The show will heavily utilize both puppetry and the traditional kamishibai style. Narrating “Ba Pot-Bellied Pigs” will be Aubrey Gracia, who was last seen in “Hellmouth”.

2025 Season Announcement

We give you a brief glimpse into our 2025 season! The image outlines an overview of the scheduled shows we have on tap throughout the year. This does not include our sporadic shorts, Tik Toks, memes, another quirky mini-projects that pop up throughout the year. So keep an eye out!

“The Absence…” has arrived!

Here is the link to our latest, the filmed play “The Absence of Everything”, written by Katherine Orozco-Verderber and starring the playwright and Daniel Rodriguez. Crew: Aracely Guzman, Julio Martinez, Nicholas Villarreal, and Michael Verderber.

The Official Trailer is out!

The official teaser trailer for HELLMOUTH has been released on social media and now on YouTube. Watch it above! The video was directed by Daniel Rodriguez.

Hey folks! We are adding an additional admission OPTION! For $15, there will be a NO TOUCH option. Meaning: the actors will NOT touch you, but they will still “act in your direction” and you might still be asked to participate in some no-contact activities or might get a BIT bumped (towards the end). We want you to still enjoy the experience!

Thus, for those choosing the NO TOUCH option, you will be given a glowstick to wear on your neck to convey to the actors in the dark that you are a NO TOUCH guest.

A peek into Hell…

Interested in what all of this “Hellmouth” talk is about? Here is a hint below in the form of some rehearsal photos. Pictured are several cast with the crew filling in as surrogate audiences.

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.