Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Getting Showered On…

In Zero Untitled’s continuing effort to explore new genres (as we did with Japanese kamishibai), we recently mounted our first Lambe-Lambe! This production was a pre-show for the recent Premature Punchline comedy show.

Thus, Michael Verderber created “Shower Sharon”, a rated PG-13 show (for language) about a college girl learning the ropes of life in the dorms. Pre-recorded vocal performances were by Julio Martinez and Katherine Orozco-Verderber.

**NEXT Performance: March 15, 2025 / Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures / noon and ongoing **

Sign Language Christmas

As an extra bit of holiday cheer, ZU member Daniel Rodriguez signed one of Katherine’s songs from her Christmas album! You can watch it on our YouTube or our TikTok! Ironically, the song is forcefully muted on some services.

The Official Trailer is out!

The official teaser trailer for HELLMOUTH has been released on social media and now on YouTube. Watch it above! The video was directed by Daniel Rodriguez.

Hey folks! We are adding an additional admission OPTION! For $15, there will be a NO TOUCH option. Meaning: the actors will NOT touch you, but they will still “act in your direction” and you might still be asked to participate in some no-contact activities or might get a BIT bumped (towards the end). We want you to still enjoy the experience!

Thus, for those choosing the NO TOUCH option, you will be given a glowstick to wear on your neck to convey to the actors in the dark that you are a NO TOUCH guest.

Drone Day 2024 premiere coming soon

Zero Untitled and Down Chamber’s annual Drone Day collaboration is up on YouTube but will premiere at 12:01 AM on May 25, as part of the official Drone Day activities! World-wide fans of the genre of drone music will livestream, listen to, perform, and discuss this unique genre. Here is the link to the YouTube video:

Murder Most Funny

Here are the official flyers for our revival of 2023’s murder mystery show “Death In the Aisles”, making a return to The Novel Blend!

Cabernet and comedy!

Coming to The Novel Blend Bookstore as part of Kingsville’s Wine Walk event, live improv comedy from Premature Punchline!

The event goes from 5-9 and PrePunch will perform starting at 6:00, every 15 minutes, until the end of the event! See you February 24th!!

A murderous March is on the horizon!

We will be reviving our sold-out 2023 production of “Death In The Aisles” with a brand new cast and crew in an auspicious return to The Novel Blend. Some old favorites and some new suspects will be in the mix, guaranteeing a different killer show each night!

Show dates are March 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Tickets are available for purchase only through The Novel Blend book store in Kingsville.

Ho Ho Hover!

And that is a wrap for staged productions for 2023! With the one-day showing of our 2023 Textual Overture, at The Flower Box on Dec. 21, we are all turning in for a long winter’s nap. The performance featured two new plays: “A Perfect Gift” and “Chanel’s Christmas”, along with our usual bevy of poetry and improv comedy from the folks at Premature Punchline.

Here is a clip from one of the plays!

A Christmas “Textual Overture” is coming down the chimney

Our variety act and open mic series, Textual Overture will be back in action on December 21st! This year will feature short Christmas plays, lots of comedic improv, a dash of holiday music, and open mic so YOU can get in on the action!

The one-day event will be on December 21st at 7:00 at The Flower Box in Kingsville. This will be a free event, so bring your creative endeavors!

Something Short and Spooky This Way Comes…

Check out our TikTok page for our new ongoing series of short horror stories called “Two Sentence Spooktacular”. These are some of our favorites from the internet, performed by our actors. Best of all, they are being filmed in actual haunted locations!

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.