Coffee, Beer, and Comedy

Premature Punchine’s summer season has taken off!  Their first performance, at Ruta Maya’s coffee and bar in Austin, TX was performed on Sunday, July 17.

 (pictured: Cantu and Maye.)

The cast was Luis Zaragosa, Michael Mendez, Danny Cantu, Michael Verderber, and special guests Erik Helsing, and Austin-comedienne Maggie Maye.  Crowd-favorite games, such as Premature Quoteline and Party Quirks, were performed along with the skit “Wasabi Dog Delight”.  Maggie, Luis, and Mendez all did standup.  The performance, lasting from 9 pm until 12 am, was PrePunch’s longest performance yet.

 (pictured: Audience participant Iris, Luis, Michael M., and Danny.

Austin performance scheduled at Ruta Maya’s

Premature Punchline’s summer season kicks off in the state’s capital at Ruta Maya’s in Austin on Sunday, June 17th.  Show begins at 9:00 pm.  Scheduled to perform for PrePunch are Danny Cantu, Luis Zaragosa, Michael Mendez, Michael Verderber, and Aaron Salinas.  Several opening acts will be performing as well, including our good friend Maggie Maye!  Cover only $5!

Check out their calender:

Seven members of ZU get official Globe training

Chu instructing Luis

Seven members of Zero Untitled received acting training from the Globe Theatre (Shakespeare’s primary performance space) on May 21 in London, England.  Under the teachings of Chu Owambala, the group received training in acting, mimesis, improvisational exercises, and script study.


ZU members who received training are the following (name following recent productions):

Samantha Garcia (Acoustical, Broken Wheels)

Rebecca Lopez (Relapse in Wonderland, Textual Overture)

Julio Martinez (Textual Overture, Premature Punchline writer)

Katherine Orozco (Acoustical,  Forward MIMEntum)

David Sabrio (The Rape of Lucrece, All the World’s a Stage)

Michael Verderber (Fate of Eights, Shattered)

Luis Zaragosa (Welcome Freshmen, Fate of Eights)


Mimes’ European Vacation

Those dirty mimes did it…again.  This time in London.  Tawd, Harvey, and Wren harassed (albeit silently) the residents of London on May 25th.  This production marks the second European show ZU has done (both were in the same week).  The other production was “All the World’s a Stage” (see below).

See the full show page for more images and details.

“All the World’s a Stage” proven true

Staging a production in 3 different countries at the same time is difficult, no matter what kind of crew you have working.  Variables arise left and right.  Zero Untitled’s 3-country production “All the World’s a Stage” managed to be performed in 2 of the 3 countries scheduled.

Team London performed at Norfolk Square near Padington Square in the heart of London. Pictured is Rebecca Lopez performing the Jacques speech from “As You Like It” which was the monologue that started started both productions (USA & England).  In the background is the cast of “The Phoenix and Turtle.”

 With the production, ZU has officially reached other shores and has performed internationally.

Pictured to the left is the Team USA cast after the performance.

See the show page for more pictures!

Multiple-Country performance scheduled – “All the World’s a Stage”

ZU’s latest and arguably most ambitious project yet, “All The World’s a Stage” is currently in the rehearsal project.  ZU will be performing a movement-piece adaptation to Shakespeare’s “The Phoenix and Turtle” poem as well as several select monologues in 3 different countries all on the same day and at the same time.  Three ZU teams will head the project.

On May 15, Team Korea and Team England will arrive in their respective countries and will need a few days of rehearsal before the production.

At 10 am in Texas, at 5 pm in London, England, and at 1 am in south Korea, members of ZU will be performing the pieces to underscore the timeless and universal quality of theatre and Shakespeare.

Performance date is currently TBA, but tentatively aiming for May 20th (USA).  For those stateside, the Texas performance will occur at Cafe 5 in Kingsville, TX (where our “Textual Overture” program frequents).

“Acoustical” wrapped, pictures up

Zero Untitled celebrated its 60th production, “Acoustical“, a comedy of about life, women, music, and finding love. Show info and pictures are on the official show page!


Mimes keep happening…

Another Zero Untitled happening broke out at the Desert Days & Nights Flying Festival in downtown Kingsville, TX.   “Forward MIMEntum”, the latest mime extravaganza and our 59th production was performed on April 14 from 3:00-5:30.

A video mini-documentary is in the works and should be posted  very soon, so keep a look out!

The featured mimes (from left to right) were:

Tawd – Luis Zaragosa

Archie – Julio Martinez

Woody – Danny Cantu

Wren – Katherine Orozco

Harvey – Michael Verderber

Roxi – Samantha Garcia

Final Premature Punchline show until June

PrePunch will be taking a one-month hiatus following tonight’s performance in the Blue Room.  Last night’s performance included Luis Zaragosa, Debbie Gerd, Nicholas Zaragosa, Danny Cantu, Evy Alaniz, Josh Cavazos, Heraclio Gonzalez, Caleb Bonitz, Mark Pittman, Cosmo Venegas, and Michael Verderber.


 PrePunch will be returning in June for shows in Kingsville and in Corpus Christi.  Look out for upcoming shows and new venues!

“Textual” Two, done

The second performance of “Textual Overture”, complete with all new works, songs, poems, and pieces concluded this weekend at a new venue to Zero Untitled, the cafe Blue Ribbon. With about a dozen performers reading new and unpublished work, to the spattering of published pieces read, and episodic play performance,  the performance was a success and brought in a slightly larger crowd than the last performance.


 Next performance scheduled for April 18th, venue pending.


 Pictured: Debbie Gerd in “The Call of Ex”

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.