“Madness in Wonderland” Show CAST UP!

After a stellar turnout for interest in the forthcoming “Madness in Wonderland“, our cast is officially up!  Go to the main page to see the details.

“The Unraveling” Cast List Up

Zero Untitled’s 42nd production, the murder mystery radio play “The Unraveling” has posted the cast list.  Check out the forthcoming comedy’s cast!  Click the show page (at the top of this page).

Production Details:

“The Unraveling”

Written by Michael Verderber

Directed by Luis Zaragosa

DJ Oringe “Saltie” – Ready for Viewing

Enjoy our latest production, the music video “DJ Oringe – Saltie” now ready for viewing.

[media id=16 width=480 height=360]

[Or click here: DJ Oringe – Saltie – Windows Media]

Full cast and crew information is on the show page.

Tentative Schedule 2010-2011

A very tentative schedule for the next few Zero Untitled shows is ready for posting.  Please note that this schedule is VERY tentative in that production space has to be considered as well as scheduling conflicts.  The 2010-2011 season shall continue as follows:


zero-041     DJ Oringe – “Saltie” music video

zero-042     “The Unraveling” M. Verderber

zero-043     [untitled fire-breathing show]

zero-044    “Madness in Wonderland” Lewis Carroll/M. Verderber


zero-045     “A Life with No Joy In It”  David Mamet

                        “All the Beautiful Girls” David Gutierrez

zero-046     [untitled fire show #5]

zero-047     “The Taming of the Shrew” William Shakespeare

Zero Untitled working in Boston in July

Zero Untitled and long-time collaborator David Gutierrez (Bloodline GEMZ) are in Boston, MA for production meetings and the filming of the next production.  The 41st production will be another music video from DJ Oringe called “Saltie.” Lensing has already begun on this production.


Rachel: Lindsey Allen

Grim: David Gutierrez

Rob: Michael Verderber

Leslie: Sally Burgos

Director: Michael Verderber

Costume Design: Vivian Yee

Next project: “Anti-Gone Wrong”


Our next project went officially underway last week (with rehearsals); the show is called “Anti-Gone Wrong: An Adaptation of an Adaptation of Adaptation of Sophocles’s Adaptation of Antigone” or just “Anti-Gone Wrong” for short.

The text, written by Barry Berryhill based on an idea by Michael Verderber, is a random goofball “speedy” version of the epic tragedy by Sophocles.  The original “Antigone” is based on the familial struggle between newly crowned ruler of Thebes, Creon, with his niece Antigone over whether they should give her brother (who happened to be a major threat to Thebes) a proper burial.

“Anti-Gone Wrong” is a street-theatre style play-within-a-play  featuring two bumbling actors trying their best (which is actually their worst) at staging “Antigone.”

Performance dates are June 28 and 29 at the Blue Room in Fore Hall at Texas A&M Univ- Kingsville.  FREE admission.  See the “Anti-Gone Wrong” page for more information.

Heart and Stole Premieres

Last night, Zero Untitled’s 39th production, “Heart and Stole” premiered at the Blue Room at Texas A&M University- Kingsville.  We had a packed house  with standing room only and the crowd seemed to be very pleased with the comic antics of the cast.

The show continues tonight (Thurs, May 6) and Tuesday, May 11 at 7:30 at the Blue Room in Sam Fore Hall.  Admission is only $1 – come early, we can only accept the first 40 patrons!

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!  @ZeroUntitled

“Heart and Stole” is just around the corner…

The full-length comedy “Heart and Stole” (written by Michael Verderber and adapted to the stage by Gabriel Ruiz)  is Zero Untitled’s next major project.

The play follows one night with Chris, Benji, Ellen and Ronnie; four college students set out to stalk Chris’s ex-girlfriend.  Through their endeavors, they discover more than they bargained for,  more about themselves, and that Benji can be a real whiner.

The show is slated for a late April – early May production.  See the main page for cast details.

“Into Hell” gets big turnout!

The “Divine Comedy” themed Zero Untitled and Gamerz Elite collaboration “Into Hell: A Trek Through Dante’s Inferno” proved to be a success on its one-night performance.  We had a crowd of well over 215+ people is attendance.

An hour into the performance, the line still had not decreased at all, so we had to bump up the “5 at a Time” to “8 at a time” just to accommodate the crowd.  About forty minutes into the performance, a local religious organization came to protest the performance.  Some even shouted at the people waiting in line to get in.  This is very ironic and hypocritical considering that Dante Alighieri wrote this text as a warning to Christians to NOT sin.

From our sources, some of the protesters went to the show and after realizing the positive message, began a prayer circle right outside of the building.

Wild stuff.

The crowd did not cease until sometime after midnight.  Please note, the show started at 8 pm!

As an actor, director, and theatre fan, I have worked on a lot of shows, and I have to say that I am probably most proud of this particular show.   Of the 33 people involved in the show, none of the actors had much experience.  95% of the cast, had never performed in a live theatre piece before.  The fact that students of all different backgrounds culminated together to put on this show, without a flaw, is outstanding.

I have never worked with a group so ambitious and excited about one project before.

The Official “Into Hell” Flyer

Here’s the design of the “Into Hell: A Trek Through Dante’s Inferno” flyer.  Design by Gamerz Elite member Maria Latigo.

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.