“Quickies” Covered by TAMUK TV2

The Zero Untitled “Quickies” were covered by TAMUK TV2 two weeks ago.  Though I don’t normally post on the site (even if I am the webmaster), I thought I’d post the news story.

After all, I’m the one that covered it.


Dramatic excitement in a comedy? “Quickies” wrap up

Not really, but there were the typical share of chaos that ensues every Zero Untitled show. And we love it.

First were the audience: we had 37 chairs set up, which is more than neccessary for such a small billing like “Quickies”.  At 7:28 the house was packed and two poor guys were left standing to watch the show.  At 7:30, a DOZEN more folks walked in!  We ran out of programs and were forced to hold off the show a couple of minutes to get more chairs put in the Blue Room.

Stressful fun.   The show went off pretty well and the actors were given the opportunity to work the crowd and improv a bit.  It worked well.  The crowd reacted well to every show, without a clear favorite being noted.

Second, there was a last minute show change: due to reasons beyond our control, we had to cancel the play “I Got Nothing” and Barry Berryhill stepped in to write a new script called “Taming of the Fleas: Act I.” The show starred Berryhill and Chad Wallace.

Third, Gabriel Ruiz stepped in to help with “Taming…” because Wallace was not available to perform one of the two nights. A special thanks goes out to him.

A thank you to all of the TAMUK Language and Literature faculty that announced the show to their classes.  The extra advertising put a LOT of people in the audience.

So what’s next for ZUFP?  Well, Verderber is still (and very slowly) working on Shakespeare’s “The Rape of Lucrece”,  “Chupacabra!”, and a children’s show.  At press, these are still in script format and we have not scheduled a time yet.  Ruiz is lengthening the “I Got Nothing” script and is balancing other projects.

In other news, Heraclio Gonzalez, Jr. is submitting several films to a film festival in Corpus Christi.  One of the films is “Mimeumentary” and he is also editing “Over White Wine” with better software than when we began.  Stay close to see what is going on!


“The Mattress” rehearsal pics up

Here are a few rehearsal pics of “The Mattress”. For more pics check out our myspace account!

Third “Quickies” show announced

The third play for “Quickies: A Collection of Comedies” is entitled “I Got Nothing” written by Gabriel Ruiz. This play will be under the direction of Chad Wallace. More information will be announced soon.

“Quickies: A Collection of Comedies” will premiere March 26-27 in the Blue Room at Texas A&M Univ – Kingsville.  Show starts at 7:30.

QUICKIES! A Collection of Comedies

As we mentioned before, we have some short one-act comedies around the bend! The show is officially called “Quickies: A Collection of Comedies” and will feature two shows, “The Mattress” and “Regrets of Idiocy” with a third show very possible. Here is the current cast:

THE MATTRESS by Erik Helsing

LEO – Allan Guzman

BOREPHEUS – Jeanepierre Heurtelou

AGENT STITH – James Taylor Maupin IV

directed by Michael Verderber

REGRETS OF IDIOCY by Stephanie Wright

LYNDSAY – Kristine Trejo

CARLTON – Kurt “Buck” Mann

BABBETT – Stephanie Wright

directed by Michael Verderber

co-directed by Chad Wallace

The show is packed with many familiar faces and some new to the Zero Untitled family. “The Mattress” was written by Erik Helsing, a Texas A&M – Commerce graduate. The cast: Maupin (“In Regards”, “House Party Mix-Up”, etc), Heurtelou (“Once Enslaved”), and introducing Allan Guzman.

“Regrets of Idiocy” was written by Stephanie Wright (“A Winter’s Harvest”, “Once Enslaved”). The cast: Mann (“Mimeumentary”), Wallace (“Once Enslaved”) and introducing Kristine Trejo.

Performance dates tentatively scheduled for mid-March.



With the “Over White Wine” production at a stand still, we are continuing the 2008 season with a handful of one act plays.  Dates are still pending, but productions will most likely be in the Blue Room.

“THE MATTRESS” by Erik Helsing, is a spoof on “The Matrix” films and was originally produced at Texas A&M – Commerce under the direction of Gabriel Ruiz.

“REGRETS OF IDIOCY” by Stephanie Wright,  is the witty tale of two lovers just trying to mend their crumbling relationship.  A twist at the end you won’t expect!

Another play will more than likely be added to the mix so keep an eye out.   Some of the confirmed cast members are: James Taylor Maupin IV (“In Regards”, “Over White Wine”), Stephanie Wright (A Winter’s Harvest, Once Enslaved), Chad Wallace (Once Enslaved), and newbie Allan Guzman.

More details on the way!

Over White Wine – Update

The latest news on “Over White Wine” is bad news, actually.  Due to some problems with with audio, the film editing process has come to a bit of a stand still.  In the mean time, we have some one act plays just around the corner.  We’ll keep you posted on the outcome of OWW.

Some “Over White Wine” pics


Ready for 2008

I hope that the holidays have treated everyone well! The holidays were especially fattening for the Zero Untitled crowd. Here’s a quick breakdown of what is being worked on and what is coming up in 2008!

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OVER WHITE WINE filming wrapped

Our filming of “Over White Wine” has now concluded! Thanks to all who helped out and/or acted! Thanks go out to the cast and crew: James Taylor Maupin IV, Malarie Garza, Rick Saenz, O’Ryan White, Felicia Morin, Nigel Gomez, and Aissa Hinojosa. Many thanks to Aissa for the stellar dolly-cam idea (don’t worry, you’ll see when the movie premieres).

Everything is in the can right now and editing will begin very soon. Keep an eye out and you’ll get the scoop here. We’ll also post pics here and on the myspace site!

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.