
I apologize for the lack of action in the realm of Zero Untitled, but we’ve had some MAJOR changes come about recently.  Both Gabe and Verderber have since moved so that has been hectic.  Add in the fact that they need to adjust to their “newness” Zero Untitled has gotten a bit idle. However, this weekend we got a filming coming up!

Other excuses for Zero Untitled’s absence:

1. Folks moving

2. The Website crashed.

3. Verderber thought he saw a pink elephant.

4. Gabe thought he saw a pink rhinoceros.

But seriously, we’re back! 

The New Production!

Zero Untitled’s 23rd show is now up and ready for your viewing pleasure. It’s Zero Untitled’s second music video, the first being DJ Oringe’s “In Regards”, the brand new video is Verderber’s “Slipping”, an acoustic rock song. 

Verderber “Slipping”

Music: Verderber

Dir.: Michael Verderber, Gabriel Ruiz

Key Grip: James Taylor Maupin IV

Upcoming and New Member

Zero Untitled is still at work!  Although nothing is scheduled as of right now, we have a lot of stuff in the works.  Here’s a quick run down:

1. “Slipping”  – A music video by Verderber.  The majority of the vid is filmed, it just needs to be sent to the can and premiered.

2. “Over White Wine” – A full film version is around the corner.  With the footage from the staged show, we’re gonna film some new stuff and make a complete film.

3. “Final Examination” – San Antonio premiere – With Gabriel back in San Antonio, we’ve entertained the idea of his one-man show getting a hometown showing.

We also want to welcome our newest member, Felicia Morin, who will be heading up our public relations and designs.  Her presence will definitely get some weight off of the rest of the team’s shoulders.  Morin has appeared in several Zero Untitled shows such as “Freakshow Theatre II” and, more recently, “These Last Words”.  She will still appear in the shows and will design flyers, posters and handle emails.

Here’s the overhaul!!

Well, what do you think??  Many thanks to Heraclio Gonzalez, Jr. for the complete overhaul!!

Zero Untitled Back Online!

Well, it looks like the website is back up a lot quicker than I thought it would be! Thanks to Google storing webpages in its cache, I was able to recover most of the individual production pages. The only missing page was for Trance of Death, so twenty-one out of twenty-two pages is a pretty nice recovery.

All news posts are still deleted, however. I may try to restore a few of those, depending on how much later I stay up tonight.

Also, anyone who was registered with ZeroUntitled.com must register again so they can post comments.


Due to technical difficulties, the Zero Untitled website has had to restart. Unfortunately, this means that all the previous content has been lost. Not to worry though, we will be hard at work bringing it all back.

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About Zero Untitled

Zero Untitled Films/Productions is a theatrical group based in Kingsville, Texas, that produces unique experiences on stage, in film, and in other media. Zero Untitled’s goal is to let artists and audiences alike think outside the box.