Death In The Aisles (2023)
- By Verderber

Kicking off our 20th anniversary season, our next production will be a murder mystery show that we hope becomes an on-going or annual kind of show!
“Death In The Aisles” deals with a mysterious murder in the Kingsville bookstore The Novel Blend, our collaborators on the project.
The show has had six performances thus far, with more in the near future. Like many of our shows, there is an immersive element to it.

March 1, 8, 15 – The Novel Blend, Kingsville – 7:00
March 17, 18, 19 – Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures, Corpus Christi – 7:00
April 28 and May 13 – The Novel Blend, Kingsville – 7:00

Direction – Julio Martinez, Katherine Orozco-Verderber, and Michael Verderber
Current Rotating Cast:
Julio Martinez, Katherine Orozco-Verderber, Daniel Rodriguez, Adonai Shelton, Aimee Trevino, Nicholas Trevino, Michael Verderber, and Stephanie Wright.
March 1st – Katy (detective); Suspects: Addy, Daniel, and Stephanie
March 8th – Julio (detective); Suspects: Aimee, Nicholas, and Stephanie
Special thanks to Mike McCullough for helping!

Special THANKS to The Novel Blend for commissioning the work!
Day 1 Cast, March 1:

Day 2 Cast, March 8:

Day 3 Cast, March 15:
Day 4 Cast, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day show):
Day 5 Cast, March 18:
Day 6 Cast, March 19: