Zero Untitled’s collaboration with Down Chamber for the 2024 Drone Day festivities is almost upon us! The world-wide event features drone music artists from all over the world participating in all things relevant to the genre of drone: listening, performing, livestreaming, talking, and more. Our resident artist Down Chamber will perform once again via a YouTube video release shortly after midnight on the day of the event: May 25, 2024. Log on to YouTube on May 25th, starting at 12:01 AM (US Central time) to watch and listen to the 2024 ZU/DC submission track.

Down Chamber Drone Day 2024 (

A BONUS song “A Circle of Tragedy” was posted later in the day on our Tik Tok: “A Tragedy of Circles” by Down Chamber. Bonus track for Drone Day 2024… | Drone | TikTok
