Premature Punchline Comedy Show (2011-ongoing)
- By Verderber
This comedy troupe will feature improv games, standup, and sketch comedy. Performances will be in Kingsville and the Corpus Christi area. The show features several local actors and comics. The troupe of 5-8 actors perform with several guest standup comedians and cast members.
The troupe first premiered on June 23, 2011.

Jo De Leon
Bailey Goodrich
Aracely Guzman
Julio Martinez
Heather Martinez
Ray Martinez
Katherine Orozco-Verderber
Dawn Robertson
Daniel Rodriguez
Gabriel Ruiz
Diego Trevino
Nicholas Trevino
Michael Verderber
Stephanie Wright
Pics below from 2024 performance at the WineWalk at The Novel Blend

Here are pics from our 2017 photo shoot:
Check out our Facebook page!

PrePunch History:

2011 Trailer:
Alyssa “Evey” Alaniz
Mack Allen
Justin Bennet
Caleb Bonitz
Jordan Bruster-Campo
Beth Cantu
Danny Cantu
Aaron Carbajal
Alexandrea Casarez
Joshua Cavazos
Evan Cordova
Katie Desiderio
Rebecca Ferguson
Andrew Frimpong
Ava Garza
Debbie Gerd
Andrea Gonzalez
Heraclio Gonzalez, Jr.
Allan Guzman
Kyle Hampton
Merideth Harvey
Erik Helsing
Gabriella Herrera
Marisha Holley
Teddy James
Matthew Krug
Charles “CJ” Lillie
Jay Llanos
Andrea Lorin
Jessie Luna
Leah Luna
Joshua “Beta” McCaulley
Kylie McIntosh
Aaron Martwick
William Martwick
Myles Martinez
Maggie Maye
Michael Mendez
Anissa Medina
Jessie Nicole
Melissa “Cali” Nikirk
Sherese Ogden
Ashley “Amp” Perez
Mark Pittman
Kate Remelius
Dustin Romike
Megan Saenz
Rick Saenz
Christina Saldivar
Aaron Salinas
Adonai Shelton
Trimon Small
Leonardo Tremari
Robert “Poodle” Trujillo
Miguel “Cosmo” Venegas
Antonio Verastegui
Josue Villarreal
O’Ryan White
Stephanie Wright
Luis Zaragosa
Nicholas Zaragosa
Writing Team – Lauren Hernandez, Charles “CJ” Lillie, Julio Martinez, Katherine Orozco, Michael Verderber
Publicity / Street Crew – Joshua Cavazos

Pittman, L. Zaragosa, Gerd, A. Salinas and N. Zaragosa performing in “Panel of Experts”
Heraclio, an audience participant, Megan and Aaron performing “Puppets at the Doctor”

Romike as Hick Kid and Zaragosa as Hick Dad in “Beer N Snuff Ice Cream”

An unidentified actor on floor, Mo Holley, and Trimon Small in an improv game.

Above: assorted pics from our July 21, 2011 outdoor performance; our FIRST outdoor show!
* * * * * * *
Here’s what folks had to say about Premature Punchline:
Sean G. – “Premature was the best laugh I had in awhile.”
Emmanuel P. (about the improv) – “I was sold. I thought the acting was really good; the actors were funny as hell, and we (as an audience) threw them a curve ball. It did not matter to them – it was like they rehearsed that part of the show.
Brittany B. – “Each one of the members brought something to the table. It was balanced; no one was deadweight. You were all funny.”
Cynthia P. – “It definitely exceeded my expectations. The show was very entertaining and I loved the chemistry that the actors and actresses have with one another and that they always keep their audience in mind.”
Reymundo B. – “I was laughing so much, I probably lost some calories that night.”
Terell C. – “I would recommend people that want a good laugh to go watch.”
Marcus R. – “My eyes were watery the whole time and I could not stop my laughter. The next day, my face was sore from smiling the whole time. My throat was sore from laughing.”

Nikirk and Maupin verbally spar in “By the Numbers”

Bonitz as “Edward”, Gonzalez as “Bella”, and A. Martwick as “Jacob” in Premature Punchline’s “Twilight” spoof.
Here are a few more pics!

So much fun. Hope I’ll be able to be a part of this again.
this page is awesome