Quickies: A Collection of Comedies (2008)
- By Verderber
As we mentioned before, we have some short one-act comedies around the bend! The show is officially called “Quickies: A Collection of Comedies” and will feature two shows, “The Mattress” and “Regrets of Idiocy” and “Taming of the Fleas: Act I.” Here is the current cast:
THE MATTRESS by Erik Helsing
LEO – Allan Guzman
BOREPHEUS – Jeanepierre Heurtelou
AGENT STITH – James Taylor Maupin IV
directed by Michael Verderber
Trejo and Mann in “Regrets of Idiocy”
REGRETS OF IDIOCY by Stephanie Wright
LYNDSAY – Kristine Trejo
CARLTON – Kurt “Buck” Mann
BABBETT – Stephanie Wright
directed by Michael Verderber
co-directed by Chad Wallace
TAMING OF THE FLEAS: ACT I by Barry Berryhill
directed by Barry Berryhill
Old Man – Barry Berryhill
Ralph – Chad Wallace / Gabriel Ruiz
The show is packed with many familiar faces and some new to the Zero Untitled family. “The Mattress” was written by Erik Helsing, a Texas A&M – Commerce graduate. The cast: Maupin (”In Regards”, “House Party Mix-Up”, etc), Heurtelou (”Once Enslaved”), and introducing Allan Guzman.
“Regrets of Idiocy” was written by Stephanie Wright (”A Winter’s Harvest”, “Once Enslaved”). The cast: Mann (”Mimeumentary”), Wallace (”Once Enslaved”) and introducing Kristine Trejo.
Performance dates will be March 26 and 27 in the Blue Room at Texas A&M Univ – Kingsville. Show starts at 7:30 pm.
Kristine Trejo as “Lyndsay” in “Regrets of Idiocy.”
Guzman and Wallace reviewing a scene.
Verderber, Wallace and Trejo reviewing a scene.
Trejo and Mann arguing as “Lyndsay” and “Carlton”, respectively.
Some new pics (both performance and behind the scenes!)
Great show, guys! They were all quite funny and Megan and I thoroughly enjoyed them.