carrol ward logo postThe eleventh Dark Tour is finally upon us! February marks a return to the Carroll Ward (home to 2016’s “Neverland Lost” production). “The Remains of Neverland” returns the Dark Tour to its roots in both production and performance space. Collaborating with Gamerz Elite, they have rented the entirety of Sam Fore Hall (home to the first six Dark Tours) on the campus of Texas A&M University – Kingsville to bring the next major production to light.

Rehearsals have already on the work, with a guerilla advertising campaign starting soon featuring the Carroll Ward’s logo (seen at left). Making an appearance in the production will be familiar characters such as Hansel, Rapunzel, Pinocchio, and many others.

EDIT: Performances were planned for March with tours beginning at 7:30 and ending after the last group of 8 enters the building. The show is for mature audiences only and you must sign a waiver to attend. One preview performance was given before the show had to be canceled due to the pandemic.

Written and directed by Michael Verderber and Katherine Orozco-Verderber

Official "Remains of Neverland" flyer; design by Merideth Harvey.

Official “Remains of Neverland” flyer; design by Merideth Harvey.

Cast information is below.

Remains tease

STAGE MANAGER – Julio Martinez

TOURING DOCTORS – Julio Martinez & Merideth Harvey

FOLLOWING NURSES – Mike McCullough & Jackie Zamora

RAPUNZEL – McKinna Allen

AURORA – Katherine Orozco-Verderber

PIED PIPER – Faith Villarreal

PINOCCHIO – Daniel Rodriguez

HANSEL – Kolby Hagel

CINDERELLA – Emilia Gomez

GRETEL – Marina Ruhnke

NURSES – Shelby Davis, Dani Watson, Peter Pao, Michael Verderber, Felix Sanchez, Lauren Camarillo, Susan Cortez, and Mikaela Perez.

Mike M. as a Following Nurse.

Mike M. as a Following Nurse.

David as Pinocchio.

David as Pinocchio.

McKinna A. and Katy O, respectively.

McKinna A. and Katy O, respectively.


Hansel sketch