
Zero Untitled’s next project will be William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”. Set in the reimagined doo wop 1950s, this iconic comedy follows the lives of siblings Katherina, an incorrigible shrew and Bianca, the idealistic sweet daughter. However, Bianca cannot get married until her bitter and angry sister gets married first. Several males attempt to swoon the daughters through ridiculous costume changes and downright mean spirited treatment. Come watch the hilarious comedy unfold!

We received coverage in the Kingsville Record newspaper recently:

ZU news

The free scripts-in-hands performance will be a two-day only engagement:

July 28-29 at 7:00 at Santa Gertrudis Middle School Theatre

A promotional interview trailer can be seen here:

Co-Director and actress Katherine Orozco made “aesthetics” showing off the actor and the character they played. These images were posted on Facebook as promotional material. In no particular order, here they are from left to write and top to bottom:

Beth Marie Cantu, Deborah Gerd, Andrea Martinez, Drew Remelius, Elan Perez, Julio Martinez, Justin Bennet, Kate Remelius, Katherine Orozco, Robert Trujillo, and Michael Verderber.

beth debs drea drew elan julio justin kate katy robert verderber